Heritage Thursdays Webinar Series | Webinar 6: Coastal heritage, communities and climate
This Heritage Thursdays webinar organised by the ICOMOS Our Common Dignity Rights-Based Approaches Working Group is focusing on coastal heritage, communities and climate change. With this specific topic, we hope to get a deeper understanding of the variety of issues heritage is tackling in face of rapid climate change via very concrete coastal communities perspectives, their knowledge, practices and livelihoods. This webinar concentrates on holistic approaches to coastal heritage – tangible and intangible, movable and immovable heritage, landscapes and spaces, land and water. The webinar series has been dedicated to the ICOMOS Resolution on People-Centred Approaches to Heritage and this webinar resonates with the voices of heritage communities of European coasts.
Deirdre McDermott, Vice President, ICOMOS Advisory Committee, will discuss the “Living Heritage” Symposium and a coastal village in Ireland. Nils Ahlberg, ICOMOS Board member, discusses the new ISC on Water and Heritage and water heritage as a vital concern for everyone. Bente Mathisen, ICOMOS OCD-RBA Focal point, has a story on Bryggen, a sinking harbour site. Dmitrii Harakka-Zaitsev, Chair of the Consultative Committee of Finno-Ugric peoples concentrates on the preservation of the traditional environment in Finno-Ugric context. Ingrians and Votians: new historical stage. Arnstein Brekke, Board member of ICOMOS Norway, takes us north of the Arctic Circle and shows us climate resilience embedded in traditional coastal architecture and crafts. Nicole Franceschini (ICCROM ) and Francesco Marchese (UNESCO Site Office, consultant) showcase the opportunities of the Panorama platform and coastal heritage. Ave Paulus, ICOMOS Estonia president, chairs the event and tells a small story from her home shores at Finnish Gulf.
12:00 Ave Paulus, ICOMOS Estonia President. Chair and introduction. Coasts of the Baltic Sea
12:15 Deirdre McDermott, Vice President, ICOMOS Advisory Committee. Symposium “Living Heritage” and a coastal village in Ireland.
12:30 Nils Ahlberg, ICOMOS Sweden Board member. Water Heritage – a Vital Concern for Everyone. On the new ISC on Water and Heritage
12:45 Bente Mathisen, ICOMOS OCD-RBA Focal point. Bryggen, a sinking harbour site
13:00 Dmitrii Harakka-Zaitsev, Chair of the Consultative Committee of Finno-Ugric peoples. Preservation of the traditional environment in Finno-Ugric context. Ingrians and Votians: new historical stage
13:15 Arnstein Brekke, Board member of ICOMOS Norway. North of the Arctic Circle – Climate resilience embedded in traditional coastal architecture and crafts.
13:30 Nicole Franceschini (ICCROM ) and Francesco Marchese (UNESCO Site Office, consultant) Panorama and coastal heritage.
Please join us this Heritage Thursday:
25 November 2021
12:00-14:00 (CET)Register at : https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtd-irqz8jGdya39kCWTG29tVa3di4_99b
Link to the recording
Speakers bios