Eelnõus on välja toodud 273 matmispaika (ajaloomälestised) ning kaks monumenti (kunstimälestised), mille Muinsuskaitseseaduse (MuKS) alusel mälestiseks olemine soovitakse lõpetada, kuna nende kaitse on tagatud ka Sõjahaudade Kaitse Seadusega (SHKS).
ICOMOS Eesti komitee on seisukohal, et kiirkorras 275 mälestise kaitse lõpetamise protsess, asjakohase analüüsi ja selgitusteta, pole seaduspärane ning kahjustab lisaks pärandile Eesti muinsuskaitse mainet ja põhimõtteid nii siseriiklikult kui rahvusvaheliselt.
Muinsuskaitseamet on välja toonud, et soovitakse lõpetada topeltkaitset. ICOMOS Eesti komitee on seisukohal, et SHKS kohane ja MuKS alune kaitse pole samaväärne ega topeltkaitse MuKS tähenduses. Muinsuskaitseamet on kõnealuses eelnõus ka ise üheselt öelnud, et tegemist pole topeltkaitsega MuKS § 20 lõike 1 punkti 3 tähenduses – “sõjahaudade kaitset ei ole topeltkaitse vältimise ning mälestiseks olemise lõpetamise alusena MuKS-s eraldiseisvalt välja toodud”. Järelikult ei ole võimalik kohaldada mälestiseks olemise lõpetamist selle paragrahvi ja punkti alusel. Täiendavalt märgime, et MuKS menetlemise eelnõu seletuskirja § 118 on viidatud üheselt, et SHKS sisalduv erisus haua ja matmispaiga mälestiseks olemise lõpetamise kohta peab olema kooskõlas MuKS sisalduva mälestiseks olemise lõpetamise alustega (§ 20).
ICOMOS Eesti komitee on seisukohal, et kaitse lõpetamise menetlus tuleb läbi viia MuKS § 20 alusel ja vastavate ekspertiisidega kultuuri- ja kaitseväärtustest ja selle lõpetamise võimalikkusest ja asjakohasusestt. MuKS § 20 sätestab mälestiseks ja muinsuskaitsealaks olemise lõpetamise ning muutmise reeglid. Lõikes 3 sätestatakse MuKS seletuskirja kohaselt, et mälestiseks ja muinsuskaitsealaks olemise lõpetamise menetlus viiakse läbi sama korra järgi kui kaitse alla võtmine. St mälestiseks olemise lõpetamiseks küsitakse puudutatud isikute arvamust, koostatakse eksperdihinnang ja kuulatakse ära Muinsuskaitse Nõukogu seisukoht. Muinsuskaitsealaks lõpetamine viiakse läbi avatud menetluses. Antud ettepaneku ja nimekirja juures sellist protseduuri järgitud ei ole. Palume seda teha. Palume esitada koos eelnõuga 275 mälestise vastavad ekspertiisid ning kaasata puudutatud isikud, järgida seadusega ette nähtud menetlust koos mõistlike tähtaegadega. Märgime, et hetkel onokupatsioonimonumentide ja II maailmasõja traagilise pärandi teema väga tundlik ja nõuab väga korrektset ja põhjendatud lähenemist.
Ettepanekus sisaldub nimekiri 275 mälestisega, mis koosneb 273 väidetavast sõjahauast ja matmispaigast ning 2 kunstimälestisest. Nimekiri sellisel kujul on põhjendamata ning selles sisalduvate matmispaikade ja monumentide erisused on lahti seletamata. Väärtuste ja topeltkaitse analüüs eelnõu juures puudub ning nimekiri võib sellest johtuvalt lugeda vigaseks ja puudulikuks.
Ajaloomälestistena kaitse all olevate sõjahaudade ja matmispaikade nimekiri sisaldab 273 kirjet. MuKS alusel tuleb ajaloomälestiste puhul kaaluda eksperthinnanguga nende väärtust ajaloomälestistena ja alternatiive. Tegemist on mittetäieliku nimekirjaga eritüübilistest sõjahaudadest, matmispaikadest ja tähistest juba kaitse all olevatel kalmistutel, mitte kaitse all olevatel kalmistutel, avalikel väljakutel ja parkides ning ka eramaal.
Nimekirja enda koostamine sellisel kujul on põhjendamata ning selles sisalduvate matmispaikade ja monumentide erisused on lahti seletamata. Nimekirja koostamiseks peaks kõigepealt teadma täpselt ajaloolisi kalmistuid, sõjahaudu ja matmispaiku ning Nõukogude sõjamälestusmärke. Teadaolevalt pole aga neist isegi arvulist ülevaadet. Vastavate alusuuringute ja inventuuride puudumise tõttu ei ole võimalik teada, millised matmispaigad üldse on topeltkaitse all.
Nimekirjas on mitu mälestistena kaitstud sõjahauda ja matmispaika, mis juba asuvad mälestisena kaitstud ajaloolisel kalmistul ning on tõepoolest MuKS mõistes topeltkaitse all. Kuid on ka eraldiasuvaid sõjahaudu ja matmispaiku, mis praegu ongi kaitstud iseseisva mälestisena ning millel topeltkaitse MuKS tähenduses puudub. Nende sõjahaudade ja matmispaikade (nt mälestis nr 10, ingeri pagulaste kalmistu Põllkülas; mälestis nr 23, “Eestirannal” hukkunute kalmistu Prangli saarel) kavatsetav väljaarvamine lõpetaks nende üle igasuguse riikliku kaitse.
Samas on jäänud käsitlemata palju sõjahaudu ja matmispaiku, mis juba asuvad mälestisena kaitstud ajaloolistel kalmistutel. Miks ühed sellised sõjahauad ja matmispaigad on arvatud nimekirja ja teised on jäänud välja, pole eelnõus selgitatud.
Samuti on jäetud käsitlemata haudadelt eemaldatavate tähiste ja muude matmispaikades asuvate sõjamonumentide edasine saatus. Pärandi olemus eeldaks, et tähiste jm musealiseerimine või muu lahendus, oleks siiski reglementeeritud ja dokumenteeritud.
Sõjahaudade ja terroriohvrite hukkamiskohtade puhul tuleb kindlasti arvestada ka Eestile rahvusvahelistest lepingutest ja kokkulepetest võetud kohustustega, mille rikkumine kahjustab Eesti kui õigusriigi mainet. Terroriohvrite hukkamiskohad on seotud II MS traagilise pärandiga, sh juudi kogukonna suhtes. Nimekirjas on lisaks Nõukogude pärandile näiteks ka Saksa kalmistuid ja vangilaagreid.
Kahe kunstimälestisest monumendi puhul ei ole SHKS üldse asjasse puutuv. Nii mälestis reg-nr 6280 “Tehumardi memoriaal, R. Kuld, M. Varik, A. Murdma, 1966 (dolomiit)” kui ka mälestis reg-nr 6281 Saaremaal Tagaveres “Monument II maailmasõjas hukkunud sõduritele, M. Mõtus, 1978 (dolomiit)” mälestisena ei ole tegu ei haudade ega matmispaikadega ning seetõttu ei saa nende mälestiseks olemist eelnõus välja toodud põhjendusel lõpetada.
ICOMOS Eesti komitee on seisukohal, et 275 mälestise kaitse lõpetamisega ilma asjakohaste ekspertarvamusteta ning avaliku menetluseta ei tohi anda signaali, et mälestisi – ajaloolisi haudu ja nõukogudeaegseid tähiseid maastikus – võib kiirkorras ilma aruteluta teisaldada või hävitada. Muinsuskaitse roll on teha just teadlikke valikuid ajaloo tunnismärkide säilitamisest nii avalikus ruumis kui ka muuseumides.
Palume eelnõu tagasi võtta. Kaitse lõpetamise ettepanekud ja protsess tuleb viia läbi iga mälestist eraldi käsitledes, asjakohaselt, eelnevate uuringute ja ekspertiiside toel, kaaludes alternatiivseid võimalusi, kaasates puudutatud isikuid ja järgides häid menetlustavasid.
ICOMOS Eesti komitee on valmis koostööks teemaga edasisel tegelemisel.
1941. aastal aurulaeval “Eestirand” hukkunud inimeste matmispaik Prangli saarel Idaotsa külas.
Eesti laeva “Eestirand” saatus ja tema mälestamine on eriti iseloomulik Eesti traagilisele lõhestatusele Teises maailmasõjas. Nõukogude sõjaväe relvastatud transpordilaevaks muudetud kaubaaurikul oli mitu tuhat mobiliseeritut ning laev liikus augustis 1941 Kroonlinna poole, kui teda ründasid Saksa ja hiljem Soome lennukid. Laeva kapten Boris Nelke tõesti kangelaslik tegutsemine hoidis ära laeva uppumise, kuid päästva randa kinnisõidu jooksul hukkus kümneid laevalviibinuid – seda nii lennukite tule kui ka laeval olnud punaväelaste kaptenile vastutöötamise tõttu.
Nõukogude okupatsiooni ajal pandi matmispaigale mälestuskivi, kuid nii selle kui ka matmispaikade tähistus oli nõukogulik ja valede andmetega. Tänapäeval on mälestuskivilt eemaldatud Nõukogude propagandatekst ning asendatud tekstiga hukkunute mälestamisest. Ka teadaolevate matmispaikade tähistused on asendatud sobivamatega.
Eestirannal hukkunute matmispaik Prangli saarel on unikaalne Teise maailmasõjas hukkunute mälestusmärk, mis sellisena peaks säilitama oma riikliku kultuurimälestise staatuse.
ICOMOS Nordic-Baltic Network in cooperation with ICOMOS Rights-Based Approaches Working Group, International Scientific Committee on Water and Heritage, Estonian Academy of Arts, Environmental Board of Estonia and other partners calls members of ICOMOS and heritage communities to take part in the ICOMOS workshop on coastal heritage, communities and climate in August in Estonia. The working language is English, translations can be provided in case of necessity. The event is supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers
The workshop consists of open conferences, site visits and separate thematic closed workshops in Tallinn and Lahemaa NP. There are two site visits- to the War, and Iron Curtain landscapes up to Sillamäe and the Viking age and medieval coasts of Saaremaa island. The site visits are optional. The heritage workshop is preceded by special workshops on the threats to Ukrainian heritage and future collaboration of Nordic-Baltic ICOMOS NC-s.
Within the workshops, there will be two open conferences for the general public – „Coastal World Heritage and Heritage Communities“ on 24.08 in Tallinn and “Facing the Sea – Connections of Heritage and Traditions” on 26.08 in Viinistu. Registration for the conference participants in Tallinn and Viinistu is open here .
The third Nordic-Baltic workshop on community rights and heritage is dedicated to the interrelations between communities, heritage and climate change on the example of coastal communities. Themes – traditional communities, indigenous peoples, UNESCO sites, conflicting histories, climate resilience, coastal landscape changes and challenges, heritage impact assessments, heritage in conflicts. The workshop aims to contribute to the cooperation of regional experts in working with contemporary challenges of heritage protection – community inclusion and the implementation of sustainable development goals. The workshop targets expert and heritage community levels.
With the topic of coastal heritage and climate change, we hope to get a deeper understanding of the variety of issues heritage is tackling in the face of rapid climate change via very concrete coastal communities’ perspectives, knowledge, practices and livelihoods. This workshop concentrates on holistic approaches to coastal heritage – tangible and intangible, movable and immovable heritage, landscapes and spaces, land and water.
Workshop schedule:
Monday, 22.08
9.00-19.00 Start at Kalev Spa. Pre-tour with bus led by Robert Treufeldt (ICOFORT). Tallinn – Sillamäe City – Narva castle (lunch at Rondeel) and Kreenholm (Jaanus Mikk) – Sinimäed (Ivika Maidre ja Igor Sedunov, coffee and pies) – Tallinn
15.00-16.15 Special workshop on Threats to Ukrainian coastal heritage and communities
Keynote lecture: Mykola Haida. Landscapes of War.
Discussion with ICOMOS Ukraine on the situation in Ukraine. Moderated by Riin Alatalu. ICOMOS Ukraine participants – Olena Serdiuk, Serhii Kozak, Mykola Yakovyna, Mykola Hayda
16.15-17.15 Special workshop on Nordic-Baltic Cooperation “Heritage Dialogues“, Tallinn and web Moderated by Ave Paulus and Arnstein Brekke.
17.15 Evening tour in Battery Sea Fortress Prison Museum with Robert Treufeldt
18.00-19.30 Evening tour in Seaplane Harbour with Mihkel Karu, Teele Saar and Priit Lätti
Open Conference „Coastal World Heritage and Heritage Communities“ Presentations and discussions on water heritage and communities – coastal histories, livelihoods and climate change.
10.00 Welcome Words. Mart Kalm, Rector of Estonian Academy of Arts
Ave Paulus, President of ICOMOS Estonia, moderator
10.10 Opening lecture. Riin Alatalu, Estonian Academy of Arts, ICOMOS International. State of Affairs: UNESCO 50 and Old Tallinn
10.40 Opening lecture. Stener Ekern, ICOMOS OCD-RBA, Oslo University. Human Rights, Cultural Rights, Heritage and Tradition
11.10 Rita Johansen, Vega World Heritage Foundation, Norway. Vega World Heritage – A small society with challenges and opportunities
11.40 Toomas Kokovkin, Hiiumaa. Locals in the UNESCO West Estonian Archipelago Biosphere Reserve
12.10-12.40 Bente Mathisen, ICOMOS Norway. Bryggen Bergen: Facing the Sea
12.40 – 13.10 Elena Perez-Alvaros, ICOMOS UK. The effects of climate change in identity: the transformation of lives through underwater cultural heritage.
13.10-14.10 Lunch break /nearest places are in Baltic Station Market/
14.10 – 14.40 Aivar Ruukel. UNESCO Heritage – Estonian Expanded Dugout Boat
14.40 – 15.10 Hanne Seljesaeter. Kystlaget Salta, Norway. Coastal Heritage Societies are keeping UNESCO Nordic Klinker Boat tradition alive.
25.08. 9-19 Workshop and site visits on the North Coast of Estonia – Lahemaa. Communities as part of coastal and water heritage management – practice and challenges. Bus from Kalev Spa 9.00
26.08. International Conference in Viinistu “Chapel” “Facing the Sea – Connections of Heritage and Traditions” Presentations and discussions on water heritage and communities – coastal histories, livelihoods and climate change.
10.00 Welcome words. Leelo Kukk, Vice President of the Environmental Board of Estonia
Riin Alatalu, Vice President of ICOMOS International, moderator
10.10 Opening lecture. Nils Ahlberg, ICOMOS Committee on Water Heritage, ICOMOS Sweden. “Water Heritage in Sweden – Great Importance and Major Problems”
10.40 Opening lecture. Ave Paulus, ICOMOS Estonia, Environmental Board of Estonia. The holistic concept of Coastal Heritage. Coastal Heritage of Estonia
11.10 Mykola Yakovyna, ICOMOS Ukraine. Ukraine Landscapes of Princely Halych
11.40 Tanja Røskar, Inger Nina Isaksen. Challenges in a changing climate for small heritage buildings on the water’s edge
12.40 Hele Kiimann, Uppsala University, Maritime Museum. The Research and Popularisation of Maritime Cultural Heritage: Collaboration between Museums, Schools, Local Communities and Universities
13.10-14.10 Buffet lunch
14.10-14.40 Elisabeth Shotton. ICOMOS Ireland. Harbourview: An Irish-Welsh networking initiative
14.40 – 15.10 Andris Sne. ICOMOS Latvia. Prehistoric and historic coastal heritage in Latvia: lost sites and living traditions
15.10 – 15.40 Aira Andriksone, ICOMOS Latvia. Heritage and its guardians at the North-West Coast of Latvia – preserving, adapting, developing
15.40-16.00 Jaan Vali, Estonian Lighthouse Society. Historical lighthouses and navigation aids of Lahemaa
16.00 – 21.00 Evening picnic in the Mohni island and lighthouse complex
27.08 7.30 Viinistu/9.00 Tallinn – 28.08.2022. 19.00 Tallinn. Post-tour to Muhumaa and Saaremaa: Anneli Randla, Kadri Tüür, Inga Raudvassar, Riin Alatalu and Tõnu Sepp
Muhu church and Koguva village community – Maasi Forthill, Valjala church, Kuressaare town (staying overnight), Salme Viking finds exhibition, Kudjape cemetery, Kaali, Pöide church.
The transport partner of the event is GoBus. Special thanks.
The accommodation partner for the workshop is Kalev Spa in Tallinn and Viinistu Art Hotel
There is a special price for the accommodation of participants of the workshops, code ICOMOS. For the presenters, two nights 23.08-25.08 in Tallinn and two nights 25.05-27.08 in Viinistu, are at the organiser’s expense. For additional nights, please, use promo code “ICOMOS” on the official home pages (or contact directly), not other booking sites.
We welcome you to Estonia!
With special thanks to the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Environmental Board of Estonia
On behalf of the organisers and partners of the workshop,
Ave Paulus,
President of ICOMOS Estonia, Environmental Board of Estonia
Partners of the Workshop, organising committee:
Ave Paulus ICOMOS Estonia, President, CCH, OCD-RBA, Water Heritage, Environmental Board of Estonia
Riin Alatalu ICOMOS Estonia, ICOMOS International Vice President, Estonian Academy of Arts
Nils Ahlberg, ICOMOS Sweden, Water and Heritage Vice President
Magnus Borgos ICOMOS Norway, President
Ulrika Mebus, ICOMOS Sweden, President
Kirsti Kovanen, ICOMOS Finland, President
Katrina Kukaine ICOMOS Latvia, President
Stsiapan Stureika, ICOMOS Belarus, President in exile
Mykola Haida, ICOMOS Ukraine, President
Laura Robinson, ICOMOS OCD-RBA Focal Point
Stener Ekern, ICOMOS OCD-RBA
Jana Jakobsone, ICOMOS Latvia
Käsmu lighthouse. Photo: Toomas TuulTallinn. Toomas TuulViinistu Art Haven and hotel. Toomas Tuul
Seoses intensiivse sõjategevusega Ukrainas ning pärandobjektide sihiliku ründamisega on rünnaku alla sattunud ka Ukrainas elavad pärandispetsialistid.
Et nad saaksid jätkata oma tööd Ukrainas ja hoida ning kaitsta Ukraina kultuuripärandit, on hädavajalik tagada spetsialistide tööks ja eluks vajalikud vahendid. Nende tegevuste võimaldamiseks on Ukraina muuseumitöötajad loonud mittetulundusühingu HERI (Heritage Emergency Response Initiative), mille üheks eesmärgiks on pärandiga seotud töö jätkamine ka keerulises olukorras.
HERI tegevust ja selle kaudu Ukraina pärandi säilimist on võimalik toetada ICOMOS Eesti kaudu (teostame makseid kord nädalas) või otse.
Mittetulundusühing Eesti ICOMOSpangakonto on EE254204278618753001 (Coop pank), palun märkige seletusse kindlasti märksõna “Ukraina HERI”
On ka võimalus teha rahvusvaheline ülekanne otse Ukrainale, kes on ka meie maksete saaja (Tustan NGO). Võtke meiega ühendust! Aitame koos! Слава Україні!
Lisainfo ICOMOS Eesti liikmetelt:
Linda Lainvoo –, 56 652 865
Ave Paulus –, 5239404
A direct hit by a Russian missile destroyed the Hryhoriy Skovoroda National Museum in Kharkiv Region, 7.05.2022. Photo by Oleh Synehubov and the Main Directorate of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Kharkiv Oblast (Фото Олег Синєгубов та Головне управління ДСНС України у Харківській області).
We fully support the Statement on Ukraine by ICOMOS on February 24. We continue to follow the ongoing invasion in Ukraine of Putin’s regime as well as arrests of peaceful protesters against the war in the Russian Federation and Belarus. We applaud actions already taken by governments, organizations and citizens in support of Ukraine, but more needs to be done.
It obliges us to request additional actions from ICOMOS:
1. to condemn the Russian Federation’s military invasion and war in Ukraine as crimes against humanity and war crimes 2. to condemn Putin`s regime violations against Human Rights in Ukraine and the Russian Federation. 3. to offer all help possible to Ukraine on behalf of ICOMOS International 4. to not to conduct or support any international events in the Russian Federation, to ask UNESCO not to have meetings in aggressors’ territory 5. to support any way possible the BlueShield International procedures regarding protected cultural properties in Ukraine We pray for Ukraine and for all the lives of the soldiers and civilians involved in the war.
Ave Paulus, ICOMOS Estonia, President Katrina Kukaine, ICOMOS Latvia, President Dainius Elertas, ICOMOS Lithuania, President Stsiapan Stureika, ICOMOS Belarus, President Nato Tsintsabadze, ICOMOS Georgia, President
Baltikumi, Valgevene ja Gruusia ICOMOS rahvuskomiteede ühisavaldus ICOMOS Internationali juhatusele Ukraina küsimuses
Toetame täielikult ICOMOS International 24. veebruari avaldust Ukraina teemal. Jälgime murega jätkuvat Putini režiimi sissetungi Ukrainasse ning rahumeelsete sõjavastaste meeleavaldajate arreteerimist Vene Föderatsioonis ja Valgevenes.
Kiidame valitsuste, organisatsioonide ja kodanike poolt Ukraina toetuseks juba ette võetud meetmeid, kuid teha tuleb rohkem.
Palume ICOMOS Rahvusvahelisel komiteel:
1. mõista hukka Vene Föderatsiooni sõjaline invasioon ja sõda Ukrainas kui inimsusevastased ja sõjakuriteod
2. mõista hukka Putini režiimi poolsed inimõiguste rikkumised Ukrainas ja Vene Föderatsioonis
3. pakkuda Ukrainale igakülgset toetust ICOMOSI poolt;
4. mitte korraldada ega toetada rahvusvahelisi üritusi Vene Föderatsioonis, paluda ka UNESCO-l mitte pidada kohtumisi agressorite territooriumil;
5. toetada igal võimalikul viisil BlueShield International-i tegevusi seoses Ukraina kultuuriväärtustega.
Palvetame Ukraina ja kõigi sõjas osalevate sõdurite ja tsiviilisikute elude eest.
Ave Paulus, ICOMOS Eesti komitee president
Katrina Kukaine, ICOMOS Läti komitee president
Dainius Elertas, ICOMOS Leedu komitee president
Stsiapan Stureika, ICOMOS Valgevene komitee president
Nato Tsintsabadze, ICOMOS Gruusia komitee president
Avalik pöördumine on avatud ICOMOS teiste komiteede toetusele
This Heritage Thursdays webinar organised by the ICOMOS Our Common Dignity Rights-Based Approaches Working Group is focusing on coastal heritage, communities and climate change. With this specific topic, we hope to get a deeper understanding of the variety of issues heritage is tackling in face of rapid climate change via very concrete coastal communities perspectives, their knowledge, practices and livelihoods. This webinar concentrates on holistic approaches to coastal heritage – tangible and intangible, movable and immovable heritage, landscapes and spaces, land and water. The webinar series has been dedicated to the ICOMOS Resolution on People-Centred Approaches to Heritage and this webinar resonates with the voices of heritage communities of European coasts.
Deirdre McDermott, Vice President, ICOMOS Advisory Committee, will discuss the “Living Heritage” Symposium and a coastal village in Ireland. Nils Ahlberg, ICOMOS Board member, discusses the new ISC on Water and Heritage and water heritage as a vital concern for everyone. Bente Mathisen, ICOMOS OCD-RBA Focal point, has a story on Bryggen, a sinking harbour site. Dmitrii Harakka-Zaitsev, Chair of the Consultative Committee of Finno-Ugric peoples concentrates on the preservation of the traditional environment in Finno-Ugric context. Ingrians and Votians: new historical stage. Arnstein Brekke, Board member of ICOMOS Norway, takes us north of the Arctic Circle and shows us climate resilience embedded in traditional coastal architecture and crafts. Nicole Franceschini (ICCROM ) and Francesco Marchese (UNESCO Site Office, consultant) showcase the opportunities of the Panorama platform and coastal heritage. Ave Paulus, ICOMOS Estonia president, chairs the event and tells a small story from her home shores at Finnish Gulf.
12:00 Ave Paulus, ICOMOS Estonia President. Chair and introduction. Coasts of the Baltic Sea
12:15 Deirdre McDermott, Vice President, ICOMOS Advisory Committee. Symposium “Living Heritage” and a coastal village in Ireland.
12:30 Nils Ahlberg, ICOMOS Sweden Board member. Water Heritage – a Vital Concern for Everyone. On the new ISC on Water and Heritage
12:45 Bente Mathisen, ICOMOS OCD-RBA Focal point. Bryggen, a sinking harbour site
13:00 Dmitrii Harakka-Zaitsev, Chair of the Consultative Committee of Finno-Ugric peoples. Preservation of the traditional environment in Finno-Ugric context. Ingrians and Votians: new historical stage
13:15 Arnstein Brekke, Board member of ICOMOS Norway. North of the Arctic Circle – Climate resilience embedded in traditional coastal architecture and crafts.
13:30 Nicole Franceschini (ICCROM ) and Francesco Marchese (UNESCO Site Office, consultant) Panorama and coastal heritage.
ICOMOS „Our Common Dignity“ Working Group is honored to invite heritage experts, community leaders, and graduate students from Europe and around the world to training course „Heritage Communities and Human Rights“ which will be held 2.-5.09.2020 in Estoniaand internet.
The training course „Heritage Communities and Human Rights“ focuses on community-based heritage protection and the theory and application of human rights-based approaches in the heritage field. The course combines theoretical approaches with learning from practice involving field visits in Estonia as well as an exchange among participants. The course lecturers will provide an introduction to international human rights law that specifically relates to culture, heritage, and communities. In addition to providing basic knowledge about human rights and the UN, UNESCO and IUCN systems and practices, this course will discuss focus cases of heritage management and rights in protected heritage areas in different countries.
The training course on rights-based approaches is led by Dr. Peter Bille Larsen, the University of Geneva, and Dr. Stener Ekern, Oslo University. Thematic modules will be introduced and moderated by Bente Mathisen, Riin Alatalu, and Ave Paulus (ICOMOS “Our Common Dignity” working group). ICCROM is represented by Rohit Jigyasu and Eugene Jo, IUCN by Tim Badman.
The global pandemic is forcing us to digitalize the course and we have to plan accordingly. For the sake of effective training, we will adjust format and agendas so that all events will be accessible regardless of the presence in Estonia and time zones of the participants. The course will be divided into 5-hour daily joint zoom sessions, starting at 12 noon Paris time. In addition, there will be individual homework in the form of case material, which we will share and read before and after sessions. The joint sessions will include lectures, individual or group presentations, and, most of all, group and plenary discussions. We expect you to participate actively, in-person in Estonia or with video and audio, so that we can benefit from our collective presence and creativity. Short morning fieldwork visits will be recorded in video and made available on the web during the sessions.
Training Course time frame: 2.09-5.09
NB!! Paris Time
9.00-12.00 fieldwork (video summary in the web)
12.00-14.00 Lectures, discussion
15.00-17/18.00 Case studies, discussion
Detailed Schedule of the Course:
Wednesday, 2.09 Human rights and heritage. Memory sites
Moderators of the day – Riin Alatalu, Stener Ekern
10-12 Welcome Brunch
12.00-14.00 Introductory Session
Estonian Academy of Arts A-301/
12-12.30 Welcome words by Bente Mathisen. Short introduction of the participants
12.30-14.00 Introductory Lecture. Human Rights, Culture and Community Formation, Heritage. An Introduction to Human Rights-based Thinking. – Stener Ekern (Norway)
15.00-18.00 Introduction and Case studies of ‘memory sites’ or ‘historical monuments’.Estonian Academy of Arts A-301/
15-16.30 Introductory Lecture. Human rights and heritage, lessons from rights-based approaches. Peter Bille Larsen.
16.45-17.00 Te Pōrere, New Zealand. – Paulette Wallace (Germany).
17.00-18.00 Discussion moderated by Stener Ekern
Thursday, 3.09 Urban heritage and tourism. The balance between tourism expectations and community rights
Moderators of the day – Triin Talk, Riin Alatalu
10-12 Field visit – walk with community representatives in Tallinn Old Town. Start at Kalev Spa
12.00-14.00 Urban Heritage and Tourism
12.00 Lecture by Rohit Jigyasu
12.30 Lecture by Claudio Milano
13.00 Case study: Overtourism in Tallinn Old Town. – Triin Talk (Estonia)
13.20 Case study: Social Interaction in Historic Quarter of Rashid. – Mohamed Amer (Egypt)
13.40 Case study: Mean(ing)s of heritage: processes of marginalization of urban zones and the aspects of (experimental) preservation. – Sanja Zadro (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
14.00 Break
15.00-18.00 Urban Heritage and Tourism
Estonian Academy of Arts A-301/
15.00 Case study: Kuldiga Old Town in the primeval valley of the river Venta. – Jana Jakobsone (Latvia)
15.20 Case study: Pampulha-Belo Horizonte. – Laura Lage (Brazil)
15.40 Case study: Urban Conservation areas in Estonia. – Kaarel Truu (Estonia)
16.00 Discussion
Friday, 4.09 Cultural landscapes, protected areas and heritage community rights
Moderators of the day – Ave Paulus, Peter Larsen
10-12 Field visit – learning from the communities of Lahemaa National Park: traditional fishing, Hara Harbour
12-14 Heritage Communities Rights and Cultural Landscapes
Cat Arthur Cinema Hall, Tapurla village, Lahemaa NP
12.00-12.20 Peter Larsen, Some further thoughts on RBA and customary rights in a protected area context
12.20-13.00 Tim Badman (UK). IUCN evaluations of World Heritage nominations, community and rights issues: recent developments and lessons learned
13.00-14.00 Ave Paulus, Artur Talvik and Peter Larsen. Traditional livelihoods, values, and connected rights: Lahemaa NP fisheries research and international perspective
15-18 International case-studies on the challenges of heritage communities, customary rights, and traditional cultural practices.
Cat Arthur Cinema Hall, Tapurla village, Lahemaa NP
15.00-15.20 Claudia Uribe Chinen (Peru). Participatory approaches to archaeological heritage management in the Qhapaq Ñan Andean Road System: Transformative processes or old conundrums in communities’ cultural heritage rights?
15.20 -15.40 Diana Cowie (Australia). An Initiative to Increase First Nations Cultural Heirtage in Statutory Heritage Listings.
15.40-16.00 Shubham Shrivastava (India). Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR): Exploring the impact ofintroduction ofbuffer zone on existing relationship between the local community and DHR
16.00-16.20 Hala Asslan (Syria). Syrian War: Women Rights &Cultural heritage in rural landscape
Neel Kamal Chapagain (Nepal). World Heritage Nomination from Community Perspective: A Case of Lomanthang, Nepal
16.20-16.40 Saara Mildeberg (Estonia). Landscape-Base Approach to Rural Stakeholders based on the Case Study of Soomaa National Park
16.40-17.00 Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians
17.00-18.00 Discussion moderated by Peter Larsen
Saturday, 5.09 Institutional Panel on Human Rights and Heritage Communities
Moderators of the day – Bente Mathisen, Peter Larsen, Stener Ekern
12-14 Rethinking rights issues in different heritage contexts – intangible aspects. Representatives of IUCN, ICCROM, ICOMOS
Estonian Academy of Arts A-301/
12.-12.40 Lecture on People-Centered Approaches for Heritage Conservation and Management: Challenges and Opportunities by Eugene Jo (ICCROM)
12.40-14.00 Rethinking rights issues in different heritage contexts – intangible aspects. Representatives of IUCN, ICCROM, ICOMOS.
In the dialogue:, Tim Badman, Rohit Jigyasu, Bente Mathisen, Peter Bille Larsen, Stener Ekern, Riin Alatalu, Ave Paulus et al
15-17 Synthesis and Conclusions
Participant Panel on rights issues in heritage: regional issues – local solutions?
Estonian Academy of Arts A-301/
5 participants from Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East (tbc)
Conclusions, ways forward and next steps: Bente Mathisen, ICOMOS Working Group
Supporters: Nordic Council of Ministers, Estonian Academy of Arts, National Heritage Board of Estonia, Juminda Peninsula Society, Lahemaa NP Cooperation Council12-14 Lecture on People Centered Approaches for Heritage Conservation and Management: Challenges and Opportunities by Eugene Jo (ICCROM)
Stener Ekern is a professor in anthropology at the Norwegian Centre for Human Rights (NCHR) at the Faculty of Law at the University of Oslo. He has done fieldwork in Nicaragua (1984) and Guatemala (2000 and ongoing) with a thematic focus on indigenous peoples, human rights, and legal pluralism. Additionally, he has worked with human rights and world heritage and transitional justice. At the NCHR he is responsible for several master courses in human rights and has also elaborated a course in human rights and world heritage in cooperation with ICOMOS Norway. Before becoming a university researcher in 1997, he worked as a program officer in Norwegian development cooperation.
Riin Alatalu is an associate professor of heritage conservation and restoration in Estonian Academy of Arts. She has a PhD in heritage conservation and restoration (“Heritage in Transitional Society from Nation’s Conscience in the Estonian SSR into the Harasser of the private Owner in the Republic of Estonia, 2012). Alatalu has worked in National Heritage Board, Tallinn Culture and Heritage Department and Estonian Ministry of Culture on leading positions taking care of supervision and promotion of heritage and she has been in charge of important international programs. She is the member of the Board of ICOMOS International and president of ICOMOS Estonia, member of Rights-Based Approaches working group, CIVVIH and former vice-president of ICLAFI. She is the chairperson of Estonian Heritage Advisory Panel.
Ave Paulus has master’s degrees from the Estonian Academy of Arts (heritage conservation and restoration) and Tartu University (semiotics and theory of culture). Her doctoral thesis in Tartu University proposes a heritage protection model, based on heritage community values and rights, Tartu-Moscow Cultural Semiotics and Rights-Based Approaches. She is a member of the ICOMOS Estonia, ICOMOS International Scientific Committees on Cultural Landscapes and Legal and Administrative Issues, Rights-Based Approach and Climate Change working groups. She is a specialist for cultural heritage issues in the Environmental Board of Estonia, Council member of Virumaa Museums, spokesperson of the intangible heritage of the Folk Culture Centre, Board member of Lahemaa and Alutaguse National Park Cooperation Councils. She has coordinated cooperation between heritage communities, state and universities in several development projects concerning heritage management.
Rohit Jigyasu is a conservation architect and risk management professional from India, currently working at ICCROM as Project Manager on Urban Heritage, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management. Rohit served as UNESCO Chair holder professor at the Institute for Disaster Mitigation of Urban Cultural Heritage at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, where he was instrumental in developing and teaching International Training Course on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage. He was the elected President of ICOMOS-India from 2014-2018 and president of ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Risk Preparedness (ICORP) from 2010-2019. Rohit has been the Elected Member of the Executive Committee of ICOMOS since 2011 and is currently serving as its Vice President for the period 2017-2020. Before joining ICCROM, Rohit has been working with several national and international organizations such as UNESCO, UNISDR, Getty Conservation Institute and World Bank for consultancy, research and training on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage.
Bente Mathisen is a Norwegian chartered architect MNAL who works as a cultural heritage manager and advisor at Statsbygg, Norway’s Public Construction Department, Culture and Ministry affairs. She has been director and deputy director for the Heritage Management Office of the World Heritage (WH) City of Bergen Norway, Director for the Management Office of Cidade Velha Republic of Cape Verde, and partner at the Architect group CUBUS, Bergen Norway. She is a board member of Foundation Bryggen, World Heritage site. She coordinated for 10 years the Eastern African City-to-City network between the WH cities of Bergen Lamu, Zanzibar and Ilha. She has been a Board member of ICOMOS Norway and is currently the focal point of the Our Common Dignity Initiative- Rights Based Approaches working group.
Tim Badman is the Director of IUCN’s newly established Nature-Culture Initiative, formerly Director of IUCN’s World Heritage Programme. He has been senior IUCN spokesperson on World Heritage, chair of the IUCN World Heritage Panel and Head of IUCN’s delegation at World Heritage Committee meetings since 2007. As of April 2019, Tim leads IUCN’s work in developing closer links between the Nature and Culture sectors, including through the World Heritage Leadership Programme jointly run by ICCROM and IUCN with support from Norway. Tim joined IUCN having worked as team leader of the Dorset and East Devon Coast World Heritage Site, UK. This role culminated in inscription of the site on the World Heritage List in 2001, and the subsequent development of the World Heritage programme on-site. He has been involved in many World Heritage site evaluation and monitoring issues globally. Tim also speaks for IUCN on the special challenges of conserving geological sites, including those sites that protect the most exceptional fossil remains of life on Earth
Claudia Hatsumi Uribe Chinen is a Peruvian archaeologist and scholar in heritage studies. Her professional work in the past 9 years has involved teaching assistance in Archaeology, archaeological research projects, consultancy on cultural resource management and research assistance in heritage conservation capacity-building programs. Claudia’s research interest s are generally concerned and critically engaged with uses of archaeological heritage in postcolonial contexts and approaches to ethics, sustainability and human rights in cultural heritage.
Claudio Milano is a social and cultural anthropologist with a background in economics and over 10 years of academic and industry experience. He is an international consultant in tourism development and urban planning, adjunct professor at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Director of the Master’s program in Sustainable Tourism Destinations and Regional Tourism Planning at the Ostelea School Tourism Management, attached to the University of Lleida (Barcelona, Spain). Claudio is the Director of IDITUR Tourism Research Dissemination and Innovation Centre at Ostelea School of Tourism Management. Claudio holds a Ph.D. in Social and Cultural Anthropology and a Master in Social and Cultural Anthropology (Cultural Differences and Transnational Processes) both awarded by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain).
Eugene Jo holds an MA in Cultural Heritage Studies, a BA in Korean History and is currently completing her PhD in World Heritage Studies at Konkuk University in Seoul. She joined ICCROM in 2017 as the Programme Coordinator for the joint IUCN/ICCROM World Heritage Leadership Programme. The World Heritage Programme aims to improve conservation and management practices for culture and nature through the work of the World Heritage Convention, as an integral component of the contribution of World Heritage Sites to sustainable development. The programme takes up a people-centred approach to conservation of nature and culture, with a focus on rights based approaches and addressing the issue of governance.
Hala Asslan has a Ph.D. from Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE), Sorbonne, France, with honer. A consultant for the International Council of Monuments and Historic Sites (ICOMOS), UNESCO, and many other international organizations since 2010. She has varied professional and academic experience in the restoration and rehabilitation of historic buildings and sites in Syria, including World Heritage List sites such as Aleppo, Palmyra, Salah-Din Castle, Old Damascus, and Jerusalem. Serves as Co-President of Heritage Committee of the Central Syrian Architects & Engineers Syndicate. She Consultant with the Aga Khan Trust and the General Directorate of Antiquities and Museums in Syria (DGAM) for the restoration and rehabilitation of “Souk al-Saqatiyya” in the Old City of Aleppo, 2018.
Jana Jakobsone, Dr. arch., Director of the Construction Department of Kuldiga Municipality Council, the architect of the municipality (since 2005), Director of the Building Authority (since 2017), Chairperson of the Old Town and Environment Committee (since 2011), director of several urban environment development concepts and research. ICOMOS Latvia president (since 2013), CIVVIH expert member (since 2019). Practicing architect at the SIA Arho Office (from 2001 to 2005), certified practicing architect (since 2014). Lecturer (since 2014) and associate professor (since 2019) on the preservation of the cultural-historical heritage. Author of more than 40 scientific and popular scientific publications. Since 2018 Member of the National Architecture Council of the consultative body of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Latvia.
Laura Beatriz Lage research interests focus on landscapes management, cultural heritage (tangible and intangible), architecture, and urban planning and environment. She is a post-doc student in UFMG and an ICOMOS member in the National Committee of Cultural Landscape in Brazil. She has been carrying research on “Landscape as a way to understand the world”, using Pampulha Settlement (Cultural Landscape designated by UNESCO) as study case. Currently is an executive secretary of the Cultural Landscape Committee in ICOMOS Brazil and contributed to a creation of a study group with a partnership between FMC and UFMG about HUL (Historic Urban Landscape).
Paulette Wallace has a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) History from the University of Otago and a Master of Museum and Heritage Studies from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. In 2015, she completed a Ph.D. at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia. She has been Executive Officer for the Australian Convict Sites, a serial World Heritage Property with 11 sites located across Australia and more recently from 2018 as the Manager Heritage Assets responsible for 12 Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga properties located across the central North Island of New Zealand. Paulette is a member of ICOMOS Australia, Australian representative on the ISCCL from 2015-2018, a member of Our Common Dignity Initiative.
Sanja Zadro, Ph.D., independent researcher based in Zagreb (Croatia), a member of ICOMOS, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Participated in the research project Croatia and Central Europe: Art and Politics in the Late Modern Period (1780-1945) funded by Croatian Science Foundation. Research topic: Vitality of disaster and reinventions of the ruin: Historic preservation (of the built environment) in Bosnia and Herzegovina today. Research interests in the domains of the experimental preservation, political aspects of design practice, participatory urban design, socio-spatial relations, urban sustainability, creative placemaking (microstructural), and critical heritage studies.
Supporters: Nordic Council of Ministers, Estonian Academy of Arts, National Heritage Board of Estonia, Juminda Peninsula Society, Lahemaa NP Cooperation Council